Key Insights from AWS PartnerCast: Automated End-to-End SAP Migration


Last August 15, 2023, our most awaited AWS PartnerCast event took center stage as we showcased our automated migration services. In this virtual gathering, cloud enthusiasts, industry professionals from the SAP community, and representatives from other AWS partners gathered to witness the transformative power of IT-Conductor as an end-to-end migration solution.

The anticipation leading to the event was palpable, with attendees eager to uncover secrets behind successful cloud migrations. Our esteemed speakers, Linh Nguyen, the CEO of IT-Conductor, and Antonio Santana, a distinguished Migration Solutions Architect at AWS, unraveled the complexities of cloud migration as they discussed how IT-Conductor streamlines the SAP migration process and ushers in a new era of operational efficiency.

The importance of staying ahead of the curve cannot be overstated, and this webinar was a testament to the vital role that knowledge plays in shaping the success of organizations in this ever-changing world of cloud computing.

Key Insights from the AWS PartnerCast

As we continue to unwrap some key insights from this AWS PartnerCast event, the spotlight remains fixed on the remarkable benefits and features of IT-Conductor. Our automated migration services emerge as a guiding light for organizations moving to the cloud, revolutionizing the way migrations are executed and managed.

Benefits of IT-Conductor Automated Migration Services

  1. Accelerate Your SAP Migration Journey: IT-Conductor paves the way for quick and easy SAP migrations, accelerating the journey to a new cloud environment.

  2. Seamless Integration: With a focus on integration, IT-Conductor ensures a seamless transition that mitigates migration complexities and risks to IT operations and the business combined.

  3. Efficient and Repeatable Migrations: IT-Conductor empowers the execution of smooth, efficient, and repeatable SAP migrations. This not only reduces risks and downtime but also unlocks the full potential of the cloud.

  4. Lifecycle Management: Beyond migration, IT-Conductor provides lifecycle management, ensuring ongoing optimization and enhancement of any SAP ecosystem.

Features of IT-Conductor Automated Migration Services

  1. LMDB Discovery: One of IT-Conductor's standout features is its ability to automatically discover systems in an SAP landscape through LMDB Discovery.

  2. Application Performance Management: Harness the power of application performance management to understand your source environment. Prior to moving to the cloud, you may need to generate baselines and keep a record of the current state of your systems. This way, you will be able to properly perform post-validation checks as you compare the before and after states of your entire SAP system landscape.

  3. Automated Migration Process: Design and develop an automated migration process that caters to every organization’s unique needs. You can also customize the existing automation templates for faster and smoother deployment.

  4. Terraform and Ansible Integration: IT-Conductor utilizes Terraform and Ansible to automate migration tasks, making the end-to-end deployment a breeze.

  5. Effortless Deployment: With just a few clicks, deploy your applications, infrastructure, and configurations, eliminating manual intervention and potential errors.

  6. Migration Dashboard: Keep a watchful eye on the migration process through a comprehensive Migration Dashboard, allowing you to monitor the status and progress at every stage.


You may download the AWS PartnerCast presentation.

We also invite you to participate in our SAP migration survey whether or not you attended the event. Share your challenges with us, and let's work together to explore how we can assist you in achieving a successful migration to AWS. Your insights matter!

Questions & Answers from the Event

Question: Who writes all these Terraform & Ansible scripts?

Answer: We supply a reference implementation of the scripts but you are free to modify or bring your own.

Question: Do most real-world migrations involve modifying them? Does IT-Conductor provide expertise in this if the customer lacks either skillset?

Answer: IT-Conductor reference implementation covers the typical scenario, however, every customer’s requirements may vary. So practically, you do need to adjust in most cases. We do provide assistance in modifying the existing scripts and services for larger "deviations" from the standard.

Question: Is this approved by SAP?

Answer: SAP neither approves nor disapproves but we received the AWS Migration & Migration Competency status based on this solution.

Question: Are these tested and implemented with customers?

Answer: Yes

Question: Can you please share the concept for understanding purposes?

Answer: The core of IT-Conductor is Application Performance Management which covers SAP ecosystem monitoring and automation. Migrations were developed as an add-on functionality.

Question: After migration, is there any form of link/service/connection/etc from the client to IT-Conductor?

Answer: It is optional but we encourage the clients to convert to IT-Conductor APM and automation service subscribers so they can continue to utilize everything that was done during the migration.

Question: Does the client retain a license to use/modify the Terraform/Ansible files after migration?

Answer: Most of it is based on open source and we do not impose any restrictions on usage.

Question: Does IT-Conductor have any Terraform providers, say to trigger an orchestration step?

Answer: IT-Conductor has engineered the integration with Ansible & Terraform. In the case of Ansible, the functionality is similar to RedHat Tower, while Terraform is similar to Terraform Cloud.

Question: Can you do the migration for many systems in parallel or one system at a time?

Answer: You can perform migrations for more than one system in parallel.

Question: Does it discover all the interfaces as well?

Answer: We currently work with SAP’s main integration systems such as RFCs, Database links, Data Services, BusinessObjects (SAP BI), and SLT which cover many data and analytics interfaces in the SAP environment.

Accelerate Your End-to-End SAP on AWS Migration Journey with IT-Conductor

In a world where change is the only constant, we hope the AWS PartnerCast has served as a guiding light for attendees looking for migration solutions available in the market. As you navigate the labyrinth of AWS trends, innovations, and solutions, this may be an invaluable compass for organizations seeking to harness the power of cloud technology.

Our journey through this transformative event is far from over, and the AWS ParnterCast was bound to leave an indelible mark on the way we approach cloud migrations in the future.


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Customer Success Stories

Adding depth and authenticity to the event were testimonials from satisfied customers who have embarked on successful migration journeys with IT-Conductor. These customer success stories serve as a testament to the transformational impact of cloud migration and the real-world results that IT-Conductor delivers.

IT-Conductor Enables BGP MSP to Automate S/4HANA Migration to AWS

IT-Conductor Enables BGP MSP to Automate S/4HANA Migration to AWS

BGP and IT-Conductor innovation initiatives are tapping SAP on AWS to enhance agility, flexibility, and scalability for migration processes. IT-Conductor platform offers automated migration services to help its customers deliver simpler and faster deployments with a clear strategy and reduce time efforts.

Under Armour Leverages Automated Migration of SAP to AWS

Under Armour Leverages Automated Migration of SAP to AWS

Under Armour engaged AWS Professional Services which in turn partnered with IT-Conductor SAP migration experts, along with the IT-Conductor platform to automate certain parts of the migration and SAP IT operations on AWS. The primary SAP applications included S/4HANA, ECC, SCM, MDG, GTS, PO, BI/BOBJ, all based on HANA and SAP ASE databases.