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Monitoring HANA Availability & Performance with Synthetic Transactions

The best way to check the availability and performance of any application or database is to actually log in and run something, in this case, a ...

Apr 7 | Linh Nguyen

Migrating HANA to Embedded Statistics Service

Memory consumption by the hdbstatisticsserver can be heavily impacted by the volume and frequency of various statistics collected by the HANA ...

Mar 31 | Linh Nguyen

HanaHaus Hangout for Startups and Innovation

When you're working in an early-stage tech startup, it can feel like you're stuck inside a box trying to get a million things done on a tiny or ...

Mar 18 | Linh Nguyen


SAP has had a pretty catchy new spin since 2014 with the slogan “Run Simple”, it well maybe for the business and end-users, but as far as the Basis ...

Mar 3 | Linh Nguyen

SAP Performance Service Level Management

As far back as I can remember, and that's more than 20 years working in SAP Basis, since the days of R/3, there's always been this 2-second average ...

Feb 24 | Linh Nguyen

SAP HANA Volumes Space Monitoring

How useful is space monitoring of HANA volumes? After all, isn't the data very compressed in memory and the space consumed on the volume should be ...

Feb 17 | Linh Nguyen

Netweaver on HANA Monitoring Setup (Part 3)

This week we finally see the results of all the work we put into Solution Manager 7.1 from system preparation through to technical monitoring. ...

Feb 9 | Linh Nguyen

Netweaver on HANA Monitoring Setup (Part 2)

In Netweaver on HANA Monitoring Setup Part 1 of 3 (Preparation) steps were performed to allow the Solution Manager and the Managed System to ...

Feb 2 | Linh Nguyen

Netweaver on HANA Monitoring Setup (Part 1)

I mentioned in the prior post (SAP Solution Manager Technical Monitoring) about the effort of installation, patching, and configuration before one ...

Jan 26 | Linh Nguyen

SAP Solution Manager Technical Monitoring

Over the last week, we've been busy updating our SAP Solution Manager 7.1 from SPS11 to SPS12. It doesn't sound like much but as usual, we found so ...

Jan 21 | Linh Nguyen