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IT-Conductor Latest Automation Features Q3-2021

Welcome to the Q3-2021 edition of IT-Conductor's latest automation features. In view of customers' operational and automation requirements, we are ...

Oct 14 | Femi Charles

7 Signs Your IT Operations Need Better Monitoring

How organizations monitor IT operations has evolved since the early years of computing—from having small IT teams manage everything to splitting ...

Oct 11 | Danica Esteban

SAP IT Operations Automation on the Cloud

Cloud computing has gained popularity as more and more organizations realize the business value it brings to the table. As cloud adoption becomes ...

Sep 22 | Danica Esteban

SAP Workflow Automation with IT-Conductor

In 2014, the hashtag #ChickenSad on Twitter became a trending topic worldwide. This has led people to wonder why a bird with emotions has to trend ...

Sep 9 | Danica Esteban

Reinforcing Hybrid Workforce with Cloud Transformation

A hybrid workforce is the future of work. According to the 2021 State of hybrid work report, a survey conducted to 1000 individuals among US ...

Aug 26 | Danica Esteban

Drivers Behind Cloud Transformation Initiatives: A Closer Look

According to IBM Institute for Business Value C-Suite Series: The 2021 CEO Study, with insights from more than 3,000 CEOs around the world, the ...

Aug 9 | Danica Esteban

Developing your Cloud First Strategy

Imagine this scenario. Your business just scaled up because of the increasing demand for your product and service. However, your hardware ...

Jul 27 | Danica Esteban

IT-Conductor Latest Automation Features Q2-2021

Welcome to the Q2-2021 edition of IT-Conductor latest automation features. We are excited to share with you a few of what we’ve been working on ...

Jul 20 | Femi Charles

Leveraging SAP Transport Automation with IT-Conductor

This case study talks about the basics of SAP Transport Management and how IT-Conductor SAP Transport Automation can help transform your ...

May 24 | Danica Esteban

IT-Conductor Latest Automation Features Q1-2021

Welcome to the Q1-2021 edition of IT-Conductor latest automation features. As expected, we bring you advanced features in automation, monitoring, and ...

Apr 28 | Femi Charles